Lovesick cowboys, poor medical knowledge, mining before safety measures were put in place, and many other unique situations caused the early settlers of the Globe-Miami area to live hard lives, and often die in extraordinary ways. Bullion Plaza Museum’s research assistant, Lee Ann Powers, has been gathering articles from the area newspapers she has been digitizing for the past 12 years, and will present “101 Ways to Die in the Old West in Globe-Miami” for October’s 2nd Friday presentation, Friday, Oct. 11, at 6:30 p.m. at the museum in Miami.
Because of the subject matter, please be aware that some of the ways people died were rather graphic, and those who are sensitive are asked to consider this before deciding to attend. Telling the stories of the early settlers, both about their lives and their deaths, illustrates the exceptional people who created our communities, and the hardships and sacrifices they made.
This 2nd Friday presentation is part of the Old Dominion Days events hosted by the Gila County Historical Society. This presentation is free to the public (donations are appreciated).