Exploring the Sierra Ancha Cliff Dwellings at Bullion Plaza’s 2nd Friday


Who were these people who lived in the Sierra Ancha Cliff Dwellings north of Globe-Miami, and what can we learn from their way of life? Using photographs and firsthand insights, Dr. John Mack will bring to life the experiences of the original inhabitants for Bullion Plaza Museum’s 2nd Friday presentation, Friday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 p.m.

Dr. Mack brings a unique perspective in searching for the stories of the Sierra Ancha Cliff Dwellings. With years of hiking experience, and advanced degrees in history, he will share his unique perspective on these remarkable structures, revealing the stories they tell about the people who called this rugged landscape home. Through their architecture, artifacts, and surroundings, he’ll guide us through a deeper understanding of their daily lives, traditions, and connection to the Arizona desert.

2nd Friday presentations are always free, but donations help to both pay the bills and to bring more of these superior presentations to our area.