Each month, Citizens for a Better Community selects a local person – someone who goes above and beyond to help others – to be “Citizen of the Month.”
On August 1, we lost a man who exemplifies this attribute. Ken Vargas was the epitome of humble greatness. Ken was an exceptional person. He was a coach whose coaching went beyond teaching skills on the court. He was a teacher who was willing to work with his students even outside of the classroom. He had a graceful way of teaching self-discipline by the way he handled situations. He was a natural born mentor. Ken was a wonderful “family man.” If you weren’t part of the family, you wouldn’t know it by the way he treated you. If you didn’t have enough money for shoes, a tennis racket or food, Ken quietly and selflessly bought it.
This has been a difficult time for our community, losing such a loving, giving, compassionate and wonderful person as Ken was. Citizens for a Better Community felt that he needed to be honored; therefore, the August “Citizen of the Month” will be awarded to his family in Loving Memory of Ken Vargas. Memories of you will always be cherished and never be forgotten. Thank you for making our community a better place to live.
Don’t forget about homecoming on October 4. It will be a “White Out” game in honor of Coach Ken Vargas, so wear a Kenny Vargas shirt or a white shirt to show your Vandal Spirit.
If you know someone who deserves recognition for making a positive difference in our community, please email Citizens for a Better Community at janetteherrera2023@gmail.com or judysmart148@gmail.com.