Perry Wayne Sanders passed away April 20. He was born in Globe to Joby and Pete Sanders on July 19, 1958 and was raised in Globe most of his growing-up years. He quit school and joined the Army with his friend Bruce Fox. He went in December 1975 and was discharged in 1981. By then the family all lived in Young and he worked there on Hot Shots. He got his GED on one try.
Perry lived in Phoenix for years and met and married Kelli Eli; they later divorced. He belonged to the Teamsters and Labor union. He later came back to young and met and married Jeri Ann from Pine, Az; she passed later.
Perry leaves behind his three brothers Randy, Jeff and Mark; the best sister anyone ever had, Suzi Scott; lots of nieces and nephews; and his two best friends from school, Bruce Fox and Quave Haverland.
Perry was a kind-hearted person who never fussed with anyone; he was kind to all. The last kindness he did was when he got his license last year; he donated his body. I hope and pray someone got some good from it. I know he is in a much better place and in no pain. Thank God.