The San Carlos Apache Tribe Culture Center Museum has received funding to work on bringing back and re-introducing Traditional Apache Games that were once played by Apache tribes in Arizona and New Mexico. There is a list of at least 19 Apache Games that were played by Apache tribal members. One of the Apache elders said the last game was probably played in the early 1960s between White Mountain and San Carlos Apaches.
Beedona Cracium and Victoria Long will start off the Apache Games Project and work with Apache Traditionalist to select, develop and implement the games. The games will be played with and among the Camp Verde Apaches, Tonto Apaches of Payson, White Mountain Apaches, San Carlos Apaches and Mescalero Apaches of New Mexico. This is a 15-month project; the games will be played throughout the year and travel to other Apache reservations will be scheduled. These games are still played on the Navajo reservation, and visits and consultations will be made with that tribe. At the end or near the end of the project, an Apache Olympic games will be held with the Apache tribes.
If you have questions, or would like to know more about the project, please call Beedona Cracium or Victoria Long at 928-475-2894.