SCAHC plans to open skilled nursing facility



The San Carlos Council in partnership with its subsidiary corporation, the San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation (SCAHC), has started the planning of a long-term care skilled nursing home facility. The council recognizes the need to care for our tribal member Covid-19 long-hauler patients and elders over the age of 55 who are too ill to be at home or care for themselves at home. The planning, design and construction of the nursing home is made possible by funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The council allocated $36 million in ARPA funds for the project.

Even with 20 percent mortality in patients over the age of 65, there are still many patients over 65 whose health has deteriorated to the level of requiring assisted living. Many of our patients age 45 to 65 suffered permanent lung injury due to Covid-19. Lung function declines with age, and it is anticipated that many younger patients who suffered from Covid will have progressive pulmonary insufficiency and require future assistance at a long-term care skilled nursing facility.

Covid-19 infection is a risk factor for our people. These factors can cause hidden long-term cognitive effects that could accelerate the aging process and lead to an increased need for long-term care placement in post-Covid-19 patients.

Our local nursing home will focus on caring for our tribal member Covid-19 long-hauler patients and elder residents, and will be a sustainable operation based upon current AHCCCS reimbursement rates. Our SCAHC expects to operate the 100-bed nursing home facility on a SCAHC campus by December 2024 at a cost of $36 million.

The nursing home facility will be constructed on an 840-acre parcel of undeveloped land approximately 4,000 feet from Highway 70 and in close proximity to the hospital in Peridot. SCAHC will be operating the facility and grounds.

SCAHC anticipates adding an additional nursing home staff of 155 employees. This will increase our SCAHC employment level from its current 786 to 941 employees.