Remembering JFK assassination at Bullion Plaza’s Second Friday


Second Friday, Nov. 10, at Bullion Plaza Cultural Center & Museum will be the place for remembering the 60th anniversary of the assassination of one of our most beloved presidents, John F. Kennedy. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Where were you on the day President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, Nov. 22, 1963? Local historian Rick Powers remembers! He has done extensive research on the history, read many books, watched and reviewed many hours of testimony, visited with experts, and visited the places in Dallas where it happened. He will begin with a review of what was going on in the world in 1963, summarize the events of the last two days, and the arrest and subsequent murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. He will review the Warren Report, the Select Committee on Assassinations, case anomalies, strange stories and a few of the conspiracy viewpoints.

Commemorate this tragedy at Second Friday in November at Bullion Plaza Cultural Center & Museum in Miami, starting at 6 p.m.

Second Fridays at Bullion Plaza are always free. Donations help defray the cost of hosting these events.